Pi-Rex, a bark-activated door opener with the #RaspberryPi

Pi-Rex – Bark Activated Door Opening System with Raspberry Pi

David Hunt has created a mechanism that detects the noise of his dog barking and then opens the back door to allow her to go out for a comfort break. It involves a noise detection circuit, an actuator and a pulley system together with a motor controller board.

It’s really great work – read more about it on his blog. There’s a video on there to show it in action, too!

High resolution time lapse from the official #RaspberryPi camera module

In response to a request on the Foundation forum, here’s a high-resolution (2592×1944) time-lapse video of a bird table type thing we have in our front garden on 12th May 2013 in changeable weather and lighting conditions. It’s not very long as it started to rain and my pan/tilt rig is not watertight yet! Here’s the command I used to get the high-res movie produced on the Pi:

mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf fps=10 -o test.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=800