SODAQ is an #Arduino compatible internet of things platform

SODAQ: a lego-like, plug-in, rapid prototyping board by SODAQ — Kickstarter

Got contacted by these guys a few days ago and have only just got round to having a look at the Kickstarter.

Now, obviously this isn’t strictly Pi-related, but I thought it was such a cool board that it was worth giving them a little bit of exposure on my blog.

SODAQ is a multi-feature microprocessor board that lets you connect sensors and devices to the internet, quickly and with no fuss. It’s designed for connecting things efficiently, running off-grid with built-in, ready-to-go solar power.

The board has built in sockets for Grove modules; a realtime clock; extended flash memory; USB on-board; and the Bee socket can take any WiFi/RF/XBee or other compatible plugin for communications instead of our GPRS module.

Their Kickstarter has some very attractive reward levels, including an £80 pledge for the full board, battery, solar charging panels and GPRS module.

Take a look at the Kickstarter

The Value of Raspberry Jam #rjam #RaspberryPi

Craig over at arghbox has written a lovely piece about the value that Raspberry Jams bring to Raspberry Pi owners and the maker community.

The highlight for me is this great description:

Raspberry Jams are therefore an amazing place for beginners to start their journey with the Raspberry Pi. By the end of any workshop, participants, young and old, are guaranteed to learn new skills. Through networking (in the business buzz-word sense, not in the wires, internet and magic sense) like-minded people meet and share ideas. Some walk away with solutions to their problems, many are inspired to try something new and others join forces to collaborate and develop resources that others can use.

Read it here

New issue of Linux User and Developer is a boon for #RaspberryPi robotics enthusiasts

This month’s Linux User and Developer magazine (issue 132) is a bumper issue for Raspberry Pi owners: