4tronix gives an update on their Raspberry Pi robotics kit

Online retailer 4tronix has been working on a robotics kit for some months now and they’ve just provided an extensive update as to their progress. They’ve recently been featured on RasPi.Today and now Gareth has published a blog post telling us how they’re getting on with bringing the kit to market. The update includes pricing (£60+VAT for the full kit and £33+VAT for the ‘Lite’ version) and a full list of features. So head on over to the blog post to read more.

Element 14 webinar with Eben Upton about the Raspberry Pi Model B+

On Thursday I attended an Element 14 webinar with Eben Upton of the Raspberry Pi Foundation in which he talks about the Pi, the Compute Module and also introduces the model B+. He also fields questions from the audience. Element 14 has now posted up a recording of the session on their website which I’ve embedded below. It’s definitely worth listening to as Eben puts dates to various different upcoming things. If you want to read a summary of the session, go to this page on my blog.