Cambridge Raspberry Jam – Live streaming & tickets on the door

Here’s some info about live streaming from the Cambridge Raspberry Jam which is happening today. You can also still get tickets on the door, more details below.

Live streaming

We hope to be live streaming the talks in the Lecture Theatre.
The live streaming web page can be found at:

The programme for the day can be found here: … gramme.pdf

As always, your mileage may vary – it’s still experimental and you may get drop-outs, but we hope you’ll be able to join us virtually from 12pm

Tickets on the door

If you decide you want to come to CamJam at a moment’s notice, you can still get tickets on the door at the Institute of Astronomy. Doors open at 11am, the first talk is at 12pm. We expect to finish between 5pm and 6pm. Tickets are £2.50 for adults and free for those aged 16 and under.

Running Neopixels from the Raspberry Pi without an Arduino

Here’s what could be a game-changer in the land of blinkies. Tony from North-West USA has taken the work of an Adafruit forum user, adapted it slightly and is now driving Neopixels natively from the Pi. It uses the Raspberry Pi’s PWM pin (number 18) and a non-inverted hex buffer chip. He’s the first person in the hangout to present and it starts around 0:37.